Dogs, Sheep, Puddies and lambs

Hi everybody.Last week we went to a place called Cooper Pedy and it was cool because we went into a shop which sold opals and the man who sold them took us round to the back of the shop and he had a pot of opals and he let us pick a couple of them. He gave me and mum one each and  theylook really cool and pretty, also he went looking for opals and he found a red shiny one and it looks like a sunset and fire and he said it is world famous.We stopped at a little place called williams creek and it is a really small population and when we were there it was really windy and dusty and you would open the door and the wind would almost blow you over but it was still cool.We had lunch there too and we got out of the car and got straight back in again and we were so sandy and dusty and all the seats were covered. A couple of days ago we came to a sheep farm and it is really fun. They have two dogs one is called Bella and the other one is called Toby,and they had a cat called Titch Also we went to round up the sheep and we were in the back of the suzuki   with Toby and a tyre. We stopped to have some lunch and on the farm they grow grapefruit and we had some for lunch and they are really nice and tasty. Me and jack are sleeping in the same room and mum and robbie are in a differant room to us. See you all soon. Bronte xx


3 thoughts on “Dogs, Sheep, Puddies and lambs

  1. Hi Bron and everyone at home in the rain!!!!!! Haha.
    Those animals r so cute and I saw u at Ayres rock and the animals! but your well lucky you still have a week don’t you? I think. But I only have a day! Anyway .miss u all bye!

    P.S. I am well looking forward 2 Beaulieu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey Bronnie
    Its absulutly roasting here u cant even cool down in the shade! I am well looking forward to year 6 and going to beaulieu. Anyway people havnt seemed to sent many messages but I have read your entres and they sound well awsome. Got to go, let me know how the weather is at home guys if u get this message! from
    P.S. again I have to go home tomorrow 6:00, thats 5:00 English time!

  3. hi G the weather is really hot because we have just got inte brisbane and our trip is nearly over like yours but i think we have a bit longer.bye xx

    P.S. if you see alicia say hi from me.

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