Homeward Bound

The last supperDid we blink and miss it? Now we are on the way home we find it hard to believe our holiday is over. The only thing that proves the last ten weeks existed is this blog….oh and the huge dent in my bank account. The holiday has cost much more than I thought. Petrol prices haven’t helped. I think we’ve spent about £2,000 on diesel alone!

We spent our last night in Neutral Bay in Sydney. The attached picture shows some of the family getting together for the last supper. From the left you have Roz, Robbie’s Dad, Tim (Robbie’s youngest brother) Us of course, and then Teresa & middle brother Johnno. The small hairy thing with Robbie is the extremely cute dog that Bronte mentioned in her last post.

Have things changed since this trip? Yes, Jack has grown loads, not just in height but also in maturity. I’m glad we did the trip this year. Next year Jack probably won’t want to spend time with us and will have turned into a moody brat!! This year he was a pleasure to be with. They both were. Bronte is as cute and cuddly as ever and her cheerful outlook on life and funny accents have kept us all amused. Has she grown. A little I think! Her hair certainly has! Above all they have learnt to be patient and tolerant and to work as a team. They’ve experienced things most kids could only dream about and have met a whole new family. Their new great grandmother in Aus liked them so much she gave them 50 dollars each! Mind you, Jack somehow seemed to manage to bring at least £150 back with him to England!! How does he do that!!

We are sitting in the airport in Korea now. Homeward bound. See you all soon.
